"Unexpected Outage in ChatGPT Affects Millions of Users Worldwide"

<img src=http://www.babnet.net/images/3b/676dc6182ac095.67803654_ghfikoneqlpjm.jpg width=100 align=left border=0>

The recent ChatGPT outage surprised millions of users around the world, as many faced difficulties in getting responses from the tool or even loading their queries. According to reports, several users noted that the tool was loading the queries but was unable to respond to them, while error messages like "Internal Server Error" appeared.

The outage began around 7 PM GMT, and reports spread across social media, as well as on the "Down Detector" website, which tracks application issues and recorded a spike in complaints.

For its part, OpenAI posted an update on the application status page, indicating that ChatGPT is currently facing high error rates, without specifying when the service would return to normal.

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